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Welcome to Kawan—our vibrant community of data heads and storytellers. We’re all about improving data literacy and sharing nuanced stories about Asia. Come hang!


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silver linings — issue #61

A couple of weeks ago, I moved to Dunedin, New Zealand, or Aotearoa, as it is beloved in Māori, to pursue a Master’s degree in Geographic Information Systems. I had to transfer at the Auckland International Airport, where I went through a few rounds of biosecurity checks. Before you

Zafirah Zein
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Countering climate doom

When we decided on “silver lining” as the theme of our latest newsletter, I thought it apt to highlight positive stories about the environment to counter the deluge of bleak, and at times terrifying climate news. Yet, while I was keen to find data or visual stories on positive climate

Recent Posts

Siti Aishah
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Coding a Konti Story

In my 8 months of working with Konti as a front-end web-developer, I’d worked on 5 hard-coded stories, and a handful of auxiliary data viz…

Isabella Chua
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Humans of Kontinentalist: Gwyneth Cheng

Today, we are catching up with our writer, Gwyneth. You may have seen her most recent story on the Cross-Island Line project. As we are…

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Imagining a Singapore before COVID-19 — issue #10

If you're anything like me, you've rather heard enough about COVID-19. Day in, day out, it seems like all we can talk about is COVID-19, our daily case numbers, and how the virus is rapidly changing our world. This should surprise no one—we are living

Isabella Chua
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How I write data-driven stories

I’ve been a writer for almost two years now at Kontinentalist, a data-driven editorial studio in Singapore. In that time, I’ve interviewed…

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Asian specialty coffee—that’s a thing?

Your local coffee shop roasts local beans, too

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All of Singapore's COVID-19 clusters, in one chart — issue #9

When did you last step into the office? I did this morning, at 8 am, and realised I haven't been in the office, or seen Team A (we split our team into two) in 9 days. That's right around 168 hours, but so much has happened

Isabella Chua
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COVID-19: Konti’s work-from-home experience

By now, you may have seen the phrase ‘flatten the curve’ floating around the Internet.

Pei Ying
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Apps to get you through working-from-home due to COVID-19

Working-from-home apps to get you through COVID-19 Ever since Singapore went to DORSCON Orange, the Kontinentalist team, like many other companies, has been on work-from-home (WFH) arrangements to minimise the possibility of a spread of COVID-19. Here are our favourite apps (so far) for working from home! What’s good

Pei Ying
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55 days in Japan: one lifetime, one opportunity

It’s not every day that you get an opportunity to spend two months in Japan, all expenses paid, to learn things. So when I heard about the…

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How to market a Kontinentalist Story

Our thought process behind marketing stories rich with data visualisations.

Gwyneth Cheng
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To graduation and beyond: how I went from an Environmental Studies student to a data storyteller

“What are you going to do after you graduate?”

Pei Ying
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Musings of a history major in the field of data visualisation

“Oh, study history. Next time you’ll be a teacher, right?”