Humans of Kontinentalist: Lee Hoon Hee
Photo by Andrew Small on Unsplash. Hoon Hee is shy about showing her photo, so we’re substituting her photo with a flower :)

Humans of Kontinentalist: Lee Hoon Hee

We caught up with our lovely editorial-marketing intern, Hoon Hee, over the phone to bring you this edition of HOK!

We caught up with our lovely editorial-marketing intern, Hoon Hee, over the phone to bring you this edition of HOK!

How has the internship been like for you?

My internship experience has been quite different from what I’ve expected. Mostly because of the COVID-19 situation, I need to work from my dorm room instead of the office. But I learned a lot about writing and I learned how four years in college have really damaged my writing skills (chuckles). And that it’s really different when I’m writing for my professors, who’re paid to grade my stuff, and when I’m writing for an audience who has no incentive to read unless I write something that is interesting to them. It was a new experience for me. I also learned a lot about teamwork, like how a lot of Konti’s work is based on cooperation and communication. I’ve never seen applications like Slack or Airtable… and I’ve also learned how to use Google Drive for collaboration.

In the short time that I was able to work at the office, I really enjoyed the atmosphere. Everyone was doing things they enjoyed, and the team felt like friends. It’s something I’d like to experience again.

What made you apply to Konti initially?

My sister introduced me to the website, and I went in and read some pieces. I was struck by the focus on different aspects of Asia and the approachable writing style. I also liked the idea of incorporating attractive illustrations and graphs into the story. It was something I wanted to learn how to do. Also I read the “About us” page; the description of the staff was very unconventional. It didn’t read like a resume, but focused on the character of each team member. That made me want to apply for the internship.

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