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Welcome to Kawan—our vibrant community of data heads and storytellers. We’re all about improving data literacy and sharing nuanced stories about Asia. Come hang!


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silver linings — issue #61

A couple of weeks ago, I moved to Dunedin, New Zealand, or Aotearoa, as it is beloved in Māori, to pursue a Master’s degree in Geographic Information Systems. I had to transfer at the Auckland International Airport, where I went through a few rounds of biosecurity checks. Before you

Zafirah Zein
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Countering climate doom

When we decided on “silver lining” as the theme of our latest newsletter, I thought it apt to highlight positive stories about the environment to counter the deluge of bleak, and at times terrifying climate news. Yet, while I was keen to find data or visual stories on positive climate

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Siti Aishah
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How to make: The workshop-survey data story

(or how to amp up a data story with Flourish viz + some code)

Mick Yang
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Humans of Kontinentalist: Hui Min Chun, Web Developer intern

How did you find Kontinentalist? At a time when I was just searching for any sort of internship whether full time or part time — because I was still in school — I saw the job posting for a web development intern on my school’s job portal. I applied as I

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Stories of reclamation — issue #33

I think about this question a lot. Growing up in hyper-urban Singapore, we don’t so much think about land as we do country. Land is perceived by many states as a resource first, even though it encompasses and offers much more than that—a primordial and more holistic sense

Mick Yang
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Meet the Community! Keng, Data Editor at Pulitzer Center and Data Journalism trainer/consultant

Kuek Ser Kuang Keng studied chemical engineering as an undergraduate and worked as a journalist for Malaysiakini for 8 years before going…

Mick Yang
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Humans of Kontinentalist: Adhithi.M

Adhithi interned with us over six months, contributing diligently and invaluably to many projects, including: stories about Deepavali and…

Mick Yang
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Meet the Community! Ben Xiao, Data Scientist and Analyst

Ben Xiao is an aspiring data scientist and analyst, specialised in providing data-driven insights, having graduated with a Master’s degree…

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Human drivers of a changing planet — issue #32

Lately, we’ve been hearing the word “unprecedented” a lot. Unprecedented rate of temperature rise, unprecedented frequencies of natural disasters, unprecedented numbers of injuries and deaths. Our climate is changing, and each day we are reminded it’s not for the better. But hey—when “unprecedented” is used to describe

Mick Yang
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Meet the Community! Krist Wongsuphasawat, data visualization engineer

Krist Wongsuphasawat is currently an Engineering Manager of the Data Experience team at Airbnb. He often publishes data visualisation work…

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An ode to the producers — issue #31

The question of who produces the things we eat, use, and basically take for granted each day has seeped deeper into our consciousness over the past few years. It seems that humanity’s slowly (and hopefully, surely) woken up to the horrors of our overconsumption—and, with that, begun to

Mick Yang
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Meet the Community! Kimly Scott, Tableau Data Visualisation Specialist

Kimly Scott is an Australian Tableau data visualization expert and analytics manager. Although her data viz journey started just three…

Mick Yang
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Meet the Community! Lim Chee Aun, front-end engineer and map viz-builder

Lim Chee Aun is a front-end engineer who loves to continuously learn things and build useful applications. He’s particularly famous for…

Mick Yang
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Meet the Community! Diana Yukari, information designer

Diana Yukari is a Brazilian-Japanese information designer. She graduated with a BFA from the School of the Art Institute of Chicago and…