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silver linings — issue #61

A couple of weeks ago, I moved to Dunedin, New Zealand, or Aotearoa, as it is beloved in Māori, to pursue a Master’s degree in Geographic Information Systems. I had to transfer at the Auckland International Airport, where I went through a few rounds of biosecurity checks. Before you

Zafirah Zein
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Countering climate doom

When we decided on “silver lining” as the theme of our latest newsletter, I thought it apt to highlight positive stories about the environment to counter the deluge of bleak, and at times terrifying climate news. Yet, while I was keen to find data or visual stories on positive climate

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Griselda Gabriele
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Designing data visualisations for social media

As Kontinentalist’s Multimedia Designer, one of the things I’m in charge of is creating social media assets as teasers for our stories…

Isabella Chua
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Humans of Kontinentalist: Kenneth Wee

Before you read this interview, there are some basic facts you need to know about Kenneth: 1. He is a penguin 2. Coffee flows through his…

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Helping the environment by staying home — issue #11

What does the future of travel look like? Singapore has been in a semi-lockdown (or circuit breaker, as we call it) for almost two months. There's been hot debate on how life may return "back to normal". Like nearly everywhere else in the world, the real

Isabella Chua
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Let’s talk about mental health!

Editor’s note: This roundtable was organised by our former intern, Zu Xiang, in January 2020, before the Circuit Breaker was implemented…

Isabella Chua
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Humans of Kontinentalist: Siti Aishah

Today we are chatting (remotely) with Aishah to find out more about her and the work that she does at Kontinentalist!

Siti Aishah
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Coding a Konti Story

In my 8 months of working with Konti as a front-end web-developer, I’d worked on 5 hard-coded stories, and a handful of auxiliary data viz…

Isabella Chua
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Humans of Kontinentalist: Gwyneth Cheng

Today, we are catching up with our writer, Gwyneth. You may have seen her most recent story on the Cross-Island Line project. As we are…

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Imagining a Singapore before COVID-19 — issue #10

If you're anything like me, you've rather heard enough about COVID-19. Day in, day out, it seems like all we can talk about is COVID-19, our daily case numbers, and how the virus is rapidly changing our world. This should surprise no one—we are living

Isabella Chua
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How I write data-driven stories

I’ve been a writer for almost two years now at Kontinentalist, a data-driven editorial studio in Singapore. In that time, I’ve interviewed…

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Asian specialty coffee—that’s a thing?

Your local coffee shop roasts local beans, too

Members Public

All of Singapore's COVID-19 clusters, in one chart — issue #9

When did you last step into the office? I did this morning, at 8 am, and realised I haven't been in the office, or seen Team A (we split our team into two) in 9 days. That's right around 168 hours, but so much has happened

Isabella Chua
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COVID-19: Konti’s work-from-home experience

By now, you may have seen the phrase ‘flatten the curve’ floating around the Internet.