Konti goes on an excursion to Yale-NUS!

Konti goes on an excursion to Yale-NUS!

Our mission? To coach Yale-NUS students to tell the best data story they can in a data competition!

2021 is the year of making up for lost time!

It’s only early April, but our social calendars have been packed! Earlier in February, we spoke at the Outlier conference (our talk is now public), and in March, we put down our speaker hats to become mentors for students.

How many mentors does it take to fix a lightbulb? None, because we get distracted by pretty things—the coasters Yale-NUS gave us!

A group of us — writers, developers, and designers — mentored Yale-NUS students for a three-day data storytelling competition organised by the Yale-NUS Data Society. They were tasked to create a data story about how COVID-19 has impacted the social and environmental aspects of Southeast Asia.

You can check out the winning entry here :)

conference hall in yale nus, with people waiting
Pei Ying waits to present, while the rest of the mentors chit chat at the back
A woman presenting
Pei Ying kicks off the competition with her talk on data storytelling, followed by a Q&A

After the presentations and lunch break, it was time to get to work! Usually, our writers take about one to two months to produce a story, so it was a real time crunch for the students, not all of whom come from a data science or journalism background.

Unfortunately, we didn’t have time to document the mentorship process, but we did take the time to reflect on our experiences.

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