Introducing our community section on Medium—and call for submissions! 🎉

Introducing our community section on Medium—and call for submissions! 🎉

At the recent Outlier conference hosted by Data Visualisation Society, Kontinentalist hosted an informal video call (an “unconference”)…

At the recent Outlier conference hosted by Data Visualisation Society, Kontinentalist hosted an informal video call (an “unconference”) titled, “Which Asian snack are you?” On the call, participants—ourselves among them—shared their experiences as Asian data practitioners while munching on Asian snacks.

The mood was electric — and not just ’cause data vis legend Shirley Wu was there. It’s rare to have a group of Asian data practitioners in the same space, talking about being Asian. We shared about times when our story angles involving cultural nuances got lost in translation, our tendency to shy away from self-promotion, and other experiences related to being a minority in a niche field.

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