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Welcome to Kawan—our vibrant community of data heads and storytellers. We’re all about improving data literacy and sharing nuanced stories about Asia. Come hang!


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silver linings — issue #61

A couple of weeks ago, I moved to Dunedin, New Zealand, or Aotearoa, as it is beloved in Māori, to pursue a Master’s degree in Geographic Information Systems. I had to transfer at the Auckland International Airport, where I went through a few rounds of biosecurity checks. Before you

Zafirah Zein
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Countering climate doom

When we decided on “silver lining” as the theme of our latest newsletter, I thought it apt to highlight positive stories about the environment to counter the deluge of bleak, and at times terrifying climate news. Yet, while I was keen to find data or visual stories on positive climate

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Asia's majestic forests — issue #22

Two years ago, I managed to catch The Great Animal Orchestra, an exhibition of animal recordings captured in the wild by bioacoustician Bernie Krause. In a pitch black room, the bright bars of a spectrogram flashed on the walls, freezing each species' cries in the forest. It was a

Isabella Chua
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Answering students’ questions about data storytelling—an inexhaustive guide

Last month, Mick and I had the great fortune of conducting office hours for students from the University of Applied Sciences Amsterdam…

Mick Yang
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Meet the Community! Catherine Ma, Communications PhD student at University of Miami

We’re excited to bring you our first interview of our Community initiative! Launched in late February, we’ve been hungrily scouring the…

Isabella Chua
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Konti goes on an excursion to Yale-NUS!

Our mission? To coach Yale-NUS students to tell the best data story they can in a data competition!

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A country of immigrants — issue #21

The history of humankind is one of migration. We only ever leave our homes in search of a better life elsewhere, and that has been the force moving human beings out of Africa and into human settlements all across the world. We all seek the same things in new lands—

Mick Yang
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Humans of Kontinentalist: Munirah Mansoor

I sat down with Munirah, who is learning about the art of visualising information during her 9-month traineeship at Kontinentalist.

Isabella Chua
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What we did to prepare ourselves as first-time speakers at the Outlier data vis conference

Outlier was a much-celebrated online conference by the Data Visualization Society (DVS) that took place from 4–8 February 2021

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Open for a surprise! — issue #20

Here at notes from the equator, we "see" each other more than once a year, but...have you noticed something different about us? 😗 That's right, we've had a facelift!  Our newsletter has changed quite a bit since it began in September 2019. We started

Isabella Chua
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Introducing our community section on Medium—and call for submissions! 🎉

At the recent Outlier conference hosted by Data Visualisation Society, Kontinentalist hosted an informal video call (an “unconference”)…

Mick Yang
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Humans of Kontinentalist: Amanda Teo (again!)

Amanda was our design intern in 2018, and we welcomed her back two years later as a UX Architect! Fun fact, the animation you see on our…

Mick Yang
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Filling our tummies and enriching our minds at Spice Zi

When you create something, the reaction to your creation is often hard to anticipate. Upon release of our story on chilli sauces in Asia…

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Are you prepared for the new year? — issue #19

As 2020 rolled out (at last!), I did something I'd never done before—I paid for a tarot card reading. I'd never been one for the supernatural, but I found it a useful way to check in about where things are and how one might look