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Welcome to Kawan—our vibrant community of data heads and storytellers. We’re all about improving data literacy and sharing nuanced stories about Asia. Come hang!


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silver linings — issue #61

A couple of weeks ago, I moved to Dunedin, New Zealand, or Aotearoa, as it is beloved in Māori, to pursue a Master’s degree in Geographic Information Systems. I had to transfer at the Auckland International Airport, where I went through a few rounds of biosecurity checks. Before you

Zafirah Zein
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Countering climate doom

When we decided on “silver lining” as the theme of our latest newsletter, I thought it apt to highlight positive stories about the environment to counter the deluge of bleak, and at times terrifying climate news. Yet, while I was keen to find data or visual stories on positive climate

Recent Posts

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How has your community helped you in 2022? — issue #39

As we enter December, it’s a good time to reflect on the past year. Kontinentalist has grown a lot in 2022, and our progress was highlighted by a busy November—winning two awards, receiving invitations to DataFest Tbilisi and other summits, and hosting workshops at major events such as

Samira Hassan
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Meet the Community! Julia Janicki, data visualisation designer/ developer and data journalist

Julia Janicki is an award-winning data visualisation developer and data journalist currently based in Paris, where she works at the Agence…

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How do we learn? When will we learn? — issue #38

Recently, I travelled to Christmas Island to learn more about the Malay community there. I spoke to islanders whose ancestors hailed from all over the Malay archipelago—people whose culture, language, and traditions are an amalgamation of their diverse roots. I left feeling more informed, my insights both supplementing and

Samira Hassan
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Humans of Kontinentalist: Nabilah Said

Nabilah joined Kontinentalist in June 2022 as our new Editorial Lead. Over the past few months, she’s written a micro-story on Mystical…

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What are the spaces where you feel safest? — issue #37

In school, I was always considered the smart kid who could do no wrong. While this sounds like a cliché, the cardinal rule at my all-girls Catholic high school was to never stray from this label assigned to me. “Stick to the status quo”, as dictated by one of the

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The silent crises in our hands —issue #36

To me, it is a country whose brilliance sometimes casts a shadow on its untold stories. We may be attractive and glamorous from the outside à la Crazy Rich Asians, but what’s less talked about is how our society and its systems can often, intentionally or not, overlook the

Griselda Gabriele
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Meet the Community! Daisy Chung, visual communicator and illustrator

Daisy Chung is an award-winning science visual communicator and illustrator based in California and originally from Taiwan.

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The stories we tell of ourselves — issue #35

Writing stories as a child, I was always tempted to inhabit the bodies and worlds of others. My characters ate treacle pudding and scones with clotted cream, bursting through attics and chimneys, generally being up to no good in locales vastly different from my own. No surprise, as the books

Griselda Gabriele
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Humans of Kontinentalist: Qijin Tay

Qijin first joined as a web development intern before becoming a full-time member of Kontinentalist. We interviewed her twice, once in each…

Mick Yang
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Meet the Community! Wendy Wang Shijia, data viz designer, Tableau Public Ambassador and Visionary

Wendy Wang Shijia is a Shanghai-based data visualization designer, Tableau Public Ambassador and Tableau Visionary. Drawing on her decade…

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Of things that flow and connect— issue #34

How does our built infrastructure affect our lives and our identities? What do these indelible marks on our landscapes mean? These are some of the questions asked at a new exhibition opened by the Singapore Art Museum, titled Lonely Vectors, where a map of ours is on display. While I’

Mick Yang
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Humans of Kontinentalist: Angel Martinez

Angel interned with us in our editorial and marketing departments for six months. Ever bright and helpful, she’s contributed to many…