
A collection of articles about almost everything (else) under the sun.

Pei Ying
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What is an ‘Asian’ perspective

At Kontinentalist, we often describe ourselves as an Asian-focused editorial studio that strives to present an ‘Asian’ perspective to our…

Griselda Gabriele
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Inktober Journal

As Inktober 2019 draws to a close, our resident animator Griselda walks us through her #Inktober illustrations and the quirky stories that…

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Playing House: the Rent-a-Family business in Japan

Our writer, Kathy, shares her thoughts on the thriving phenomenon in Japan

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How rock paper scissors is played around Asia

We all know the rules of rock paper scissors (RPS). Paper wins rock, rock wins scissors, and scissors wins paper. There’s even an…

Griselda Gabriele
Members Public

Make It Matter: Spider-Verse (Animator’s perspective)

Being the seventh Spider-Man film, added only a year after Spider-Man: Homecoming and a PS4 game, Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse could…