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seasons are changing — issue #54

Coming from tropical Singapore, where it’s pretty much hot all year round, spring was never something I resonated with. It didn’t rouse in me feelings people associate with the end of winter: hope, joy, and revival. At most, I’d think of the fleeting beauty of Japanese sakura,

Nabilah Said
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What’s in an Asian year? Deconstructing how we think about time

Working on a story about different Asian new years made our Editorial Lead Nabilah reconsider her ideas about time. In this article, she shares how her research made her question our reliance on the Gregorian calendar and what we can learn from the various Asian calendar systems

Recent Posts

Leong Man Wei
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Making a map of land reclamation in Singapore

How familiar are you with the shape of the land(s) you call home? On the map, most of us identify Singapore as a little red dot, or a diamond at closer view. In our recent story on sand mining and land reclamation, we created a map to examine the

Loh Pei Ying
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🌏 Dataviz in Asia: June' 23

The Society of News Design’s Best of Digital Design 2022 results are out! The largely US-centric awards tend to be dominated by the likes of New York Times and Washington Post, but here are some of our favorites from Asia-based publications that bagged big prizes: * Asahi Shimbun published a

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Migrant workers: Where would we be without them? — issue #43

When the pandemic hit Singapore’s shores, there was an outbreak of cases within the dormitories where migrant workers lived. While there were lockdowns for the general public, there was a sense that the migrant worker community was separate from the locals. Their cases became outliers, not counted as part

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For the love of animals — issue #42

I was always more of a people person. A friend now jokingly calls me an animal activist because of all the animal content I send her on Instagram (and the occasional rant on the welfare of stray cats). I am far from being an activist, but I can definitely say

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What if we centred women's joy & leisure? — issue #41

I have a confession to make. I am obsessed with true crime. I listen to podcasts about murders and other violent crimes while on the bus, out for my Hot Girl Walks, and even when I’m brushing my teeth. (My Spotify Wrapped was way more macabre than I wish

Samira Hassan
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Live, Love, Lepak: How We Do Leisure at Kontinentalist

We just put out a story called A Woman’s World, where we explore women’s access to public spaces, and specifically how it facilitates their…

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How does land shape us? — issue #40

I was having dinner with my family one day when the topic of ghosts came up. By then, it had been almost two years since I migrated to Dubai to be with my parents. My uncle and aunt were visiting from Singapore, and my dad and his brother found themselves

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How has your community helped you in 2022? — issue #39

As we enter December, it’s a good time to reflect on the past year. Kontinentalist has grown a lot in 2022, and our progress was highlighted by a busy November—winning two awards, receiving invitations to DataFest Tbilisi and other summits, and hosting workshops at major events such as

Samira Hassan
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Meet the Community! Julia Janicki, data visualisation designer/ developer and data journalist

Julia Janicki is an award-winning data visualisation developer and data journalist currently based in Paris, where she works at the Agence…

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How do we learn? When will we learn? — issue #38

Recently, I travelled to Christmas Island to learn more about the Malay community there. I spoke to islanders whose ancestors hailed from all over the Malay archipelago—people whose culture, language, and traditions are an amalgamation of their diverse roots. I left feeling more informed, my insights both supplementing and

Samira Hassan
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Humans of Kontinentalist: Nabilah Said

Nabilah joined Kontinentalist in June 2022 as our new Editorial Lead. Over the past few months, she’s written a micro-story on Mystical…

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What are the spaces where you feel safest? — issue #37

In school, I was always considered the smart kid who could do no wrong. While this sounds like a cliché, the cardinal rule at my all-girls Catholic high school was to never stray from this label assigned to me. “Stick to the status quo”, as dictated by one of the