Where got ghost in Singapore?— issue #5

Where got ghost in Singapore?— issue #5

Trick or treat!

It's Halloween season! The ghouls and pumpkins fill store aisles across Singapore. But Southeast Asia has about as many ghouls as we have tropical fruits and types of spices. We're diverse like that. So step away from the usual stories and explore our spine-tingling tales of the paranormal, written in partnership with Eugene Tay (founder of Supernatural Confessions).

Dewi, our business development manager and resident dancer/lover of tea, explored the origins of batik-making, from its cultural significance to the meaning behind the motifs. We discover how it has gone from being a valuable part of Indonesia's cultural heritage to a symbol of ASEAN diplomacy. 

I was born in India and spent summers there as a child of itinerant parents. I had no idea what "Chinese" food was (Asia beyond the subcontinent was unknown terrain). My first introduction to Asian cuisine outside of Indian food was Maggi mee noodles - Masala flavour. I remember many quick lunches of mouth-watering Maggi with veggies thrown in to zest it up. What is it about instant noodles that connects us across Asia? Is it some intangible quality, or is it just the MSG that keeps us hooked? Our team went on a mouth-watering, data-crunching expedition to find out more about instant noodles and why it is still one of the most enduring fast foods in Asia.

Sadly, this is my last month at Kontinentalist (family duties beckon). But I hope you continue to explore our stories and to write in if you have ideas on topics we should cover! Get in touch at hello@kontinentalist.com!

Vinita Ramani

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