Humans of Kontinentalist: Munirah Mansoor

Humans of Kontinentalist: Munirah Mansoor

I sat down with Munirah, who is learning about the art of visualising information during her 9-month traineeship at Kontinentalist.

What do you do at Kontinentalist?

I’m a visual designer and a trainee (on a 9-month Singapore traineeship) here to learn about UX and UI with how Konti narrates their stories; I also help with social media, doing slide layouts and illustrations with Griselda; and I’m helping out with Konti 2.0 — the company’s rebranding project — trying to figure out their new logo.

What projects have you worked on so far?

I’ve worked on the 100 years of healthcare (Bicentennial series), and I’ve helped Gris on some illustrations. Currently, I’m working on general graphic and web design for a collaborative story with Spice Zi, and web design for Difference Engine for their website (with Amanda), and the Han Names story. I also did the card illustrations for the Global Poverty story, as well as the notes from the equator rebranding.

Amanda’s more experienced than I in UI and UX, so it’s been quite a fun experience. It’s been a great learning experience for me, because I’m quite a traditional designer, having done print design and illustration work, for example.

What’s your favourite and least favourite parts of the job?

Favourite part: I joined Konti to learn web and info design—that’s my favourite part, learning how to visualise information, like in the Han Names story; our job is to make sure that readers can have a condensed understanding of things. I find it a very interesting part of the job, making things simpler and user friendly.

I don’t really have a not-favourite part! I like that we’re working from home! WFH doesn’t bother me, because I’m a very introverted person.

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