Rayson’s Journey to the Maps: Interning at Kontinentalist

Rayson’s Journey to the Maps: Interning at Kontinentalist

Rayson, who wrote this well-received story on rising sea levels, shares his intern experience at Kontinentalist.

Rayson, who wrote this well-received story on rising sea levels, shares his intern experience at Kontinentalist.

Interning at Kontinentalist has been such a delightful and enriching experience. My journey actually started off way back at the start of the year, when I first heard of the company.


“With a K.”

“Oh. Continentalisk?”
“… No you idiot. K-ontinentalist.”


Come summer, when the time to apply for internships arrived, I remembered this K-ompany, and as luck would have it, they had an opening for a research intern! I took the chance and applied, and that’s how I ended up in Kontinentalist for the summer.

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