Mapping Kontinentalist’s resolutions for 2019
Kontinentalist’s resolution for 2019! Drawn by Griselda.

Mapping Kontinentalist’s resolutions for 2019

As a small startup, Kontinentalist often relies on our people to shape our objectives and content. For the editorial team, our stories…

As a small startup, Kontinentalist often relies on our people to shape our objectives and content. For the editorial team, our stories have mostly been passion projects of our writers, united by the mission to present an Asian perspective across different topics. The same applies to our development team, whose design and visualisations are inspired by video games, things on the internet, and their various life experiences.

That is why we decided to map out all of our resolutions — professional or otherwise — for 2019 to both commit ourselves to it (harnessing on the guilt factor of social media 🙃), and to have an overview of what our collective goals for the company are.

The introspective resolutions:

  • Peiying (Honcho of Kontinentalist):
It’s tough leading a team at my age, and with my limited experience. I hope that I can find a way to absorb and take in all the differing opinions and ambitions from my colleagues, and make decisions that allows everyone to move forward, together, towards a vision that everyone is passionate about.

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