Humans of Kontinentalist: Joceline Kuswanto aka The Legend
Joceline Kuswanto, artistically styled by herself.

Humans of Kontinentalist: Joceline Kuswanto aka The Legend

My favourite food is Indomie, but it has to be the original flavour. My favourite drink is coconut water. Actually if I think about it, I…

My favourite food is Indomie, but it has to be the original flavour. My favourite drink is coconut water. Actually if I think about it, I don’t really have a favourite drink.

I joined Kontinentalist in September/October 2017, so I have been with Kontinentalist for about a year now! What I enjoy the most about working at Kontinentalist other than the office space, is the people. The people are really nice and we do everything collaboratively in terms of company decisions and work.

Each person may handle different things, but they can still give input on aspects that they may not dabble in. Everyone is honest and constructive about each other’s work. There are no bootlickers, no politics.

Konti has grown a lot over the past year. When I first started, Konti did not really have a true sense of direction in terms of product presentation, branding and style. Now, I feel that we have a concrete branding that goes beyond just our logo and colours. Konti has finally found its own voice. At the same time I feel that I have grown a lot with Konti as a designer. When I came to be the only designer at Konti, I had to learn how to make my own decisions and believe that it was best for the brand: I was sort of riding solo but it forced me to grow as a designer, so it was helpful for me.

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