Humans of Kontinentalist: Dylan Ng
I joined Kontinentalist officially in October 2017, however before that I was already helping out Pei Ying with some programming work…
I joined Kontinentalist officially in October 2017, however before that I was already helping out Pei Ying with some programming work. When Pei Ying asked me if I wanted to come on board formally, I asked her what Kontinentalist was really about and she said it was some map narrative thing. I thought it was interesting and I felt that building Kontinentalist would be a challenge, and I was excited by that.
What do you like most about Kontinentalist?
The people. It has to be the people. The people are what keep me coming to work. What I like about Konti is that there is an unspoken rule that we will all get our work done — we must get our work done — even though we all spend a lot of time talking crap to each other. Then comes the vision of Konti. Is that enough?