Humans of Kontinentalist: Angel Martinez

Humans of Kontinentalist: Angel Martinez

Angel interned with us in our editorial and marketing departments for six months. Ever bright and helpful, she’s contributed to many…

Angel interned with us in our editorial and marketing departments for six months. Ever bright and helpful, she’s contributed to many initiatives, including keeping us abreast of competitions, writing fresh marketing copy for our workshops, and reaching out to organisations to raise awareness of our stories — such as the one we did with Oxfam about widening inequality. On top of that, she’s produced a micro-story about Google Doodles in Asia and is leading an exciting crowd-sourced data story about Asian Sci-Fi! Keep your eyes peeled for that!

How did you first find out about Kontinentalist, and why did you decide to join?

I first learned about Kontinentalist through a friend. They sent me one of your stories while I was getting my hair done — it took six hours, so I had lots of time to stalk you guys and go through the story archives. Aside from the super stunning visuals, I was mostly drawn to the topics the team chose.

I remember the instant noodles piece — I think that’s the one my friend sent to me, and I was expecting it to be like a Buzzfeed-type article, just for laughs and stuff. But once I read it, it was really insightful, carrying more than just entertainment value, and it became a personal favourite. So I figured I’d love to be a part of that and took a chance. I honestly didn’t expect to get the internship because I felt I wasn’t big brained enough for the kind of work you guys do.

What have you been doing at Kontinentalist? (Projects you’ve worked on, main responsibilities)

My job here allows me to combine both my love for writing and my degree in marketing. I get to work on data stories, write for social media posts, look for links for our newsletter (NFTE), as well as do market research for any possible online community-building initiatives and campaigns. I worked on the freelancer hub for a bit, and a Data Deep Dive episode.

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