Zafirah Zein

Zafirah Zein
Members Public

Countering climate doom

When we decided on “silver lining” as the theme of our latest newsletter, I thought it apt to highlight positive stories about the environment to counter the deluge of bleak, and at times terrifying climate news. Yet, while I was keen to find data or visual stories on positive climate

Zafirah Zein
Members Public

On Palestine: Covering culture in a time of genocide

What does Gaza require from those who bear witness? The team behind our latest story on Palestine shares their process, thoughts, and feelings while highlighting the beauty of life in Gaza amid the profound loss of Palestinian heritage and cultural identity.  Zafirah (Writer): I came across an Instagram post by

Zafirah Zein
Members Public

Applying visual metaphors: How we visualised period poverty in Asia

This microstory came about when Singaporean period care company Blood launched its “Period-Positive Workplaces” movement in 2022. A communications agency had sent over a press release of the initiative, which included survey findings on period shaming at work. Having never experienced bullying or pressure of any kind related to my